FF Longhorns, formerly Fayetteville Farms Longhorns, began on a small ranch just outside of Fayetteville, Texas and is owned by Robert and Maria (Maggie) Whitaker. We have recently moved all of our cattle to their new home in the hills of Fredericksburg, Texas, hence the name change to reflect Fayetteville
to Fredericksburg.We raise only registered Texas Longhorn cattle with the focus on continually upgrading the genetics for maximum horn growth, full and colorful bodies. We love the ease of breeding, wonderful color combinations, drought tolerance and maintenance free aspect of the longhorns.
We became interested in Longhorn Cattle as a result of a friendship Robert developed with Dr. Russell S. Stanger, Jr., one of the original founding TLBAA Board of Directors. We would sit and listen to "Doc" Stanger, as everyone knew him, talk about the early days of the oil business, stories of wildcatters, and his family’s love of their herd of longhorns, which had been in his family since 1867, the oldest continuous herd of Texas Longhorns. “Doc” would give Robert a longhorn heifer every time he discovered oil or gas on his land. As he would say, “You put me in the oil business, so I’m going to put you in the longhorn business!” As time went on, we have upgraded our herd through selective breeding.
We have developed friendships and learned from other prominent longhorn breeders in the industry, where we have learned much on breeding practices for the best characteristics to improve our herd.
Although we started out small, we are continuing to increase our pasture grazing lands for more longhorns. Check back often and we grow and improve our herd!